Breaking boundaries can be a dirty job.

Removing boundaries between people, places, and things is not for the faint of heart. Along the way you may be faced with any number of the following:

Animosity, increased competition, disbelief, dismay, confusion, misdirection, misinformation, jealousy, obstruction, or anger.

Very rarely will you receive thanks for what you are doing until your effort is complete and your vision is realized. It can be a dark and lonely road.

The important thing is to be persistent. It is also helpful to have a close friend or advisor that you can turn to for perspective on the situation. Keeping your eye on the ultimate goal will keep you moving when the process of creating change gets tough.

However, the process of creating something that people haven’t imagined doesn’t have to painful. It’s your job as a leader or facilitator to show them the way.

The most powerful way to create change is to enable people to do it themselves. You may find that it will have a lasting impact when it is generated from within an organization.

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