Big Think featured a piece entitled, “Why Creativity is the Next Economic Revolution.”  Here’s a description:

Cartoon Network president Christina Miller, we must prepare for the creativity revolution. It’s an imperative both for individuals looking for their place in the new economy, and for companies creating products for new generations—digital natives who expect a seamless experience of digital products. That’s an intimidating demand if you’re not a digital native yourself, so Miller suggests that companies actively listen to their audience, and even turn to them for fresh ideas.

This particular link caught my attention because in the quote above Miller refers to the creativity revolution.  People are talking about creativity:

Creativity is potential currency in the fourth industrial revolution  (fin24)

Creativity becomes a top skill in the 4th Industrial Revolution  (creatorbase)

The automation revolution and the rise of the creative economy  (TechCrunch)

Could creativity drive the next industrial revolution?  (WEF)

This quote from the last article is important:

As robots increasingly take on manual labor, we will need to foster what differentiates human from machine (at least for now): creativity. Evidence that psychological and physical well-being is paramount to creative thinking will turn the historic exchange of human health for economic growth on its head. As Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum writes, “I am convinced of one thing—that in the future, talent, more than capital, will represent the critical factor of production.”


How do you define creativity?

How will people learn to be creative?

Will the creative economy favor people that are formally trained in design?

What skills are necessary to become an expert creative?

What factors enable creativity to thrive in organizations?

How do leaders maintain the balance between maintaining control and fostering growth?

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