The word innovation is everywhere.

I see it being used in newspapers, magazines, social media, on the radio. It’s used by people young and old.

When I see a headline like Innovate or Die, it is usually followed by a comment about reinvention.

Conceptually, innovating and reinventing are good ways to describe what people are doing to take control of their future. Many people that I speak with have a deep desire to make an impact and this is manifesting itself in people becoming entrepreneurs, making career changes, or simply changing their patterns of behavior.

I like to think of what is happening not as innovation or reinvention, but rather as evolution. It’s a natural progression from one state of being to another. Sometimes it moves quickly, and other times it moves slowly. But it’s happening.

Once you start evolving, and doing so consciously, it’s tough to go back to another way of living. It just doesn’t feel right. Once you start working with a growth mindset, it is difficult to not be doing anything else.

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