Making changes at the lower levels of a group or organization can be simpler since you deal with challenges daily. You can try new ideas and quickly learn what works and what doesn’t compared to people higher up. Remember what you’ve tried so you can use that knowledge to help your team work better together in different situations.

As you progress, challenges might become more complex and difficult to spot. You can’t always depend on trial and error because there are many factors to think about in a short time. This is when you need to search for patterns and ways to measure how your teams work together and interact with other teams.

When helping team members in this situation, you can guide them to work better together, but you can’t force them. You can’t make people work well together just like you can’t make them do their jobs. In fact, if you push people into roles they’re not comfortable with or lack experience in, they may end up disliking you and slowing down progress even more.

To succeed, think about how the team works together and interacts with other teams, and their surroundings. Discover what motivates people and what makes them want to do their best. Don’t assume everyone is driven by the same things or shares your goals.

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