Many people who aspire to be leaders are stuck in a perpetual state of anticipation. They’re either waiting for a sign, the perfect opportunity, or perhaps they’re unsure of their next step.

You don’t need to…

…wait for permission. [You are in control, not others]

…ask for approval. [Your ability to lead is not determined by the nod of someone else’s head]

…enroll in a course. [Education is crucial, but it’s not exclusively found in the classroom]

…join a program. [Real-world experience often teaches what structured regimes cannot]

…bounce more ideas around. [Innovation doesn’t always spark in the echo chamber of consensus]

…continue to wait for just the right moment. [Perfect timing is a myth. The ‘right time’ is now]

You get the idea.

Just say “YES” to taking charge of yourself. Create your own path instead of shadowing the footsteps of others. It’s time to focus on taking responsibility for your actions and the impact you have on those around you.

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