Uber is in the news again because it has picked a new CEO and he comes from Expedia. According to Slate, he might be the anti-Travis Kalanick. This was one of the more high profile positions to be filled, but there are other organizations also making changes to their executive management:
Qantas makes major changes to executive management, new CEOs for more operational units (CAPA Center for Aviation)
United Soybean Board announces Polly Ruhland as new CEO (AgWeek)
Prime unveils new CEO (Defence Connect)
Soundcloud, Pandora & Tidal: How Will Each New CEO Fare? (billboard)
Regardless of who’s going where, will it make a difference, and…
Do CEOs matter?
An article in The Atlantic brings the question into focus:
“The debate over the centrality of the CEO began in earnest in the 1930s, with the work of Chester Barnard, a onetime president of New Jersey Bell. Barnard was one of the first scholars to recognize that the corporation was, first and foremost, a social organization, and that social phenomena such as groupthink and the development of rival factions influenced a corporation’s actions at least as much as coldly rational analysis and deliberation. According to Barnard, the chief executive was peerless as a social force within the organization; only the CEO could infuse working life with the values and aspirations that spurred people to do more than merely make a living. ”
Other publications address this question:
Do CEOs matter (anymore)? (Forbes)
Do CEOs matter? (Columbia Business School)
Research: CEOs Matter More Today Than Ever, at Least in America (HBR)
Do CEOs Matter? Corporate Performance and the CEO Life Cycle (EFMAEFM)
What is the future of the CEO?
The Future Of The CEO In The Age Of The Machine (Forbes)
What the CEO of 2040 will look like (Fast Company)
Companies of the future: No CEO, no boss, managed by blockchain (Venture Beat)
What does an organization without a CEO look like?