Sometimes, it’s faster to change things as you go, rather than sticking to a plan you made at the start. This means your plans should always be open to changes. You don’t need to plan every little detail before you start!

Finding the Balance

When you’re starting something new, first brainstorm a basic plan and get some feedback. Remember, feedback isn’t a one-time thing – you’ll keep getting it as you work on your project. You’ll find out what works and what doesn’t, then tweak your plan as needed.

Don’t worry if you haven’t figured out every single tiny problem. Can you solve most of them (like 80%) and get started? This gets you past the sometimes scary process of planning every tiny little thing. You can learn and adjust as you go.

Evolve and Adapt

Just like living things change and adapt over time, so does your project. Embrace the ‘build as you fly’ idea. This lets you stay flexible and change as needed. Remember, you won’t have everything figured out in the beginning, and that’s okay. You’ll learn which bits need your focus first and what to work on in time.

If you’re having trouble with the planning process, try breaking it down into smaller chunks. This will help you get started and feel less overwhelmed. It’s also a great way to avoid procrastination when your project is on the horizon and looming over your head like an ominous cloud.

Keeping an Eye on the Big Picture

When you’re taking this go-with-the-flow approach, remember to prioritize speed and understand that you can’t do everything at once. As your project takes shape and things change, you’ll adjust it to fit your organization’s goals. This is really helpful when you need to guide a great idea that doesn’t quite fit into alignment.

In short, understanding your company’s past and how it deals with projects like this can be a big help in making these kinds of ideas work.

While it can be hard to maintain a go-with-the-flow attitude, it’s important to remember that you’re not the only one who has an opinion about what needs to happen next. Your client and their stakeholders are also weighing in on how things should move forward, and their input is invaluable when planning for this kind of project.

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