Most companies aren’t set up for growth.

They know how to get the job done, but nurturing work beyond what comes in organically can be a challenge.

The biggest problems: Lack of time, underdeveloped people skills, and lack of a holistic view of the various ways a customer can interact with a company.

The solution is to create a culture of growth.

This means that everyone in the company should be focused on how they can help their customers and colleagues succeed.

It means that everyone should have a clear understanding of what success looks like for them and their team, and it means that everyone should be working toward those goals together.

Where do you start to build a culture of growth?

Start with people developing curiosity about what’s happening in various parts of the company and create a safe space for these interactions to occur. The simple act of making connections will build momentum. It will also help people to see how their work is connected to the bigger picture and how they can contribute to it. The more people who are engaged in this process, the faster your culture of growth will develop.

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