Television is under attack again. This time not by a rogue entity or startup, but by Facebook. As an institution, television has been evolving quickly and the internet has made the largest impact. The business model for television was originally driven by providers and has been shifting to being consumer-driven. The reality is that people will watch what they want, when they want, and on a device of their choice. Simply having options in terms of media outlets and types of programming has turned people away from packaged shows or a one-way stream of information.

TechCrunch is reporting that Facebook is launching Watch as a “new home for original video content” and as a means to “boost ad revenue and give people a reason to frequently return to the News Feed for content they can’t get anywhere else.”

The Washington Post describes Watch as “the social network’s first attempt to showcase videos made specifically for Facebook — and change the way we watch video in the process.” It added that “it’s mashing up the many ways we watch and communicate around video into a way that best suits Facebook.”

Perhaps the future of television is no television. Yesterday, I looked at the evolution of open offices and I wonder if television will follow the same path with a premium put on flexibility. As old models disappear or become irrelevant, new relationships will form that will fundamentally change our behavior.

With the television industry in what appears to be a state of constant fragmentation, how will the fragments reorganize into something new and what will that look like?

Here are a few thoughts:

Will streaming TV get crazy expensive in the future?  (CNN Money)

Don’t Tell Me What Happens. I’m Recording It.  (The Ringer)

Cutting the Cord (The Economist)

Predictions for the future of television  (Huffington Post)

The future of TV is arriving faster than anyone predicted  (Washington Post)

The general theme through out each article is more options and greater quality.

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